My Partner Doesn’t Give Me Gifts

Surely more than once you have compared your relationship with that of your friends. It is also likely that at times you feel envy about certain expressions of “material affection” that you do not have.

“If he doesn’t give me gifts, it’s because he doesn’t love me enough” you may have thought, in the middle of an attack of insecurity. However, you should know that this does not have to be the case.

Each person expresses love in different ways. Although it is true that the economic issue is always something to take into account, it is also necessary to analyze the reason for the lack of details in the other.

Let’s go deeper.

If my partner doesn’t give me gifts, is it because they don’t care about me?

The first thing you should know is that people do not always tend to be as attentive and detailed as their partners expect. And this does not have to improve as the relationship progresses.

It is clear that not all couples are the same and each one works in one way.  However, it does not mean that one is better than the other, or feels more love. They are just different.

Not receiving a gift on Valentine’s Day or on the anniversary date is annoying, but it does not mean that the other does not love you. They may simply consider the details to be a bit old-fashioned or that they are loving you enough.

He does not give me gifts, but I would like to receive them

We all like to be made to feel special. If this, in addition to the key dates, happens as a surprise, it is likely that you will be more than satisfied.

It doesn’t have to be very expensive or trendy. With a bouquet of wildflowers, a poster of your favorite band, or some movie tickets, anyone can feel like the luckiest person in the world.

If you miss this and your partner’s indolent behavior is hurting you more and more, talk to her. It is possible that he has not realized it and thinks that you do not care.

Through communication you will be able to present your points of view, and it is likely that, if he really loves you, he will make an effort from now on. You just have to give it a chance to explain yourself.

My partner is not a retailer, but he is always there when I need him

Displays of affection are not always a box of chocolates or tickets to a game. Some people  show their love with other attitudes  that can be of much more value.

Making an official commitment and walking hand in hand in front of everyone with a big smile may be more affectionate than paying for a trip. That is to say, many times the acts are more important than the material that can be offered.

The best gift that a couple can give is their presence in the hardest moments. A hug in silence, a just word and an active ear are the highest tests of love.

It is no longer the same as at the beginning of the relationship

Sometimes one member (or both) of the couple changes over time and is no longer as attentive as at the beginning. Disinterest, passivity and lack of desire and originality are noted.

One of the possibilities of this happening is that  a level of comfort and security has been achieved in which the other considers that it is no longer necessary to do more.  If this is your case, it is a good time to talk with your partner about it.

Another less pleasant option may be that the infatuation has actually disappeared. Be that as it may, it is best to talk maturely and calmly about how you feel and why he is behaving like this.

Every couple is a world

My partner does not give me gifts, but he is always there when I need him

Being in a couple is equivalent to saying that there is a unique bond between two people. So, everything that happens must be according to the priorities or wishes of both. What happens to the people around you does not have to affect or influence your own history.

If others express themselves with gifts, it is not an obligation for your partner to do the same. They are two different relationships and imitations are not a guarantee of any success. In this sense, it is worth remembering that comparisons do not bring anything good and that they are best avoided.

In addition to talking about your expectations of the relationship, it can also be positive to set an example. If one of the two is detailed, perhaps the other understands the message and is encouraged to express their affection and interest.

In the same way, if you feel that, despite talking to your partner, they do not care about your feelings and do not want to change, it is best to cut the relationship. You deserve to be with someone who takes you into account.

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