Natural And Homemade Syrup For Dry Cough

It is very annoying and can be suffered at any time of the year. To prevent and relieve a dry cough, you can make this natural syrup at home and always have it on hand. It is very effective and simple.

Dry coughs are not only suffered in cold weather. Many people suffer from it often, sometimes in the middle of the night, which prevents them from having a good night’s sleep. Discover in this article how you can easily prepare this natural syrup at home to prevent and treat dry coughs.

The advantages of natural syrup

If we decide to prepare a natural syrup at home, we will see that it is not complicated and, in addition, we will be able to choose the ingredients that we like the most and are convenient for us.

In this way, we can also avoid sugars or sweeteners that many other syrups contain. These can be counterproductive in curing a dry cough permanently, as well as general health.


Below we detail the ingredients we need to make this natural syrup:

  • Grape juice : we must do it ourselves, with organic grapes that include their skin and seed. If we don’t have a blender, we can beat the grapes with a little water and then strain the juice.
  • Ginger: this exotic root cannot be missing in this syrup. Besides having anti-inflammatory properties, it also gives us all the heat we need. We will use grated raw ginger.
  • Lemon: citrus fruits contain many beneficial nutrients for any disease. Its vitamin C content, especially if we use the skin, supports the immune system and will help us fight dry coughs.
  • Orange : the properties of orange are similar to those of lemon. We will also use the skin, so both the lemon and the orange must be organic.
  • Plantain : it is a medicinal plant that helps soften our throat and keeps it hydrated to prevent it from drying out.
  • Mallow : Mallow flowers act in a similar way to those of the plantain. In both cases we will use the dry plant.
  • Onion: it may surprise us that one of the ingredients is onion, but we cannot stop adding it, since its properties to eliminate mucus are very powerful. We will add it in a small quantity and its flavor will be very disguised.
  • Cayenne pepper : we will use only a pinch, since this spice is very spicy. This will help us eliminate mucus.
  • Organic honey or cane honey: helps fight infections. We recommend getting an organic honey. This has not been subjected to high temperatures so it maintains all its properties.

What do we need?

In a saucepan we will put the following ingredients and quantities:

  • 1 large glass (250 ml) of homemade grape juice.
  • About 20 grams of grated fresh ginger.
  • The juice and skin of an organic lemon.
  • The juice and peel of an organic orange.
  • 1 glass (200 ml) of concentrated infusion of plantain and mallow.
  • Half an onion cut into small pieces.
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper powder.
  • 5 tablespoons (about 90 gr) of organic bee or cane honey.

How do we make it?

  • Once we have the ingredients of the natural syrup ready and prepared, we will put everything in a pot and let it cook over a very low heat, so that the liquid becomes more and more concentrated.
  • We will leave it boiling for about an hour, although we can try it to assess if we want it more or less concentrated. The important thing is that it boils for at least half an hour.
  • After letting it warm,  we will place it in a glass jar that we can close hermetically.
  • Finally, we will keep it in the fridge.

How do we take it?

  • As a preventive measure, we can take a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  • To treat the problem we will take a tablespoon half an hour before each meal.
  • If at night we wake up due to a dry cough, we can also drink at that time half a glass of hot water with a tablespoon of the syrup.
  • People who have digestive disorders, if they find it too strong, can mix it with warm water or with an infusion of green tea or rooibos.

Remember to go to the doctor to evaluate you if the dry cough is persistent.

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