
The panettone has become one of the most commonly used at Christmas sweets. However, you don’t have to spend a fortune, especially since they are so easy to prepare. We teach you how to do them, although it will require several steps and the process can be somewhat long. Nonetheless, it is worth it.


Preferment mass

  • 2 g of freeze-dried yeast
  • 110 ml whole milk
  • 110 g of strength flour

First mass

  • The preferment mass
  • 20 ml of rum
  • 2 yolks
  • 4 eggs
  • 550 g of strength flour
  • 140g butter, whipped
  • 130 g sugar

Second mass

  • The first mass
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 yolks
  • 270 g of strength flour
  • 75g sugar
  • 10 g of salt
  • 10 ml of honey
  • 150 g of candied orange
  • 1 vanilla bean


  • 2 large bowls for stirring
  • Film paper
  • Containers to reserve ingredients
  • 1 large bowl
  • Panettone mold
  • Knife

mini panettone


The first mass

  • First, the night before preparing the panettone, sift the flour and yeast into a bowl.
  • Then add the milk and stir until you have a smooth batter.
  • Then, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it ferment overnight at room temperature.
  • After time, in a separate bowl, beat the eggs, the yolks, the rum and the sugar.
  • Also, sift the flour into the bowl and stir.
  • Finally,  mix it with the preferment dough.
  • Now, knead very well and when the dough is more or less cohesive, gradually incorporate the butter, by now the dough should be compact and hard.
  • Continue kneading until everything is very well incorporated, obtaining as a result a smooth and elastic dough.
  • Then, grease a bowl with oil, put the dough inside and cover it with plastic wrap.
  • Let the dough rest in a warm place until it doubles in volume.

The second mass

  • When the first dough has fermented, you can proceed to prepare the second dough.
  • To do this, beat the eggs in a large bowl together with the yolks, honey, sugar and the seeds  of the vanilla bean.
  • Then, sift the flour and mix all the ingredients very well until you get a dough with a texture similar to paste.
  • Then add the first dough and knead until smooth.
  • Also, add the butter little by little and you will get a very soft dough as a result.
  • Then, when the dough is smooth and elastic, flatten it with your hands into a rectangle.
  • Now, cut the dough in half and put the candied orange in one of the halves.
  • Then, put the other half on the first and knead very well.
  • Finally, roll the dough into a ball and place it in the panettone mold.
  • Let the dough ferment with the mold tightly covered with plastic wrap until it begins to appear on the edge of the mold paper. Ideally, leave the mold overnight in the fridge to ferment more slowly.

Third step

  • Remove the dough from the fridge and let it rest until it is at room temperature.
  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Next, make a cross on the crown with a sharp knife.
  • Place a square of butter in the middle of the cross.
  • Then, take the mold to the oven and let it prepare for 40 minutes.
  • Before removing the panettone from the oven, you should do the toothpick test to verify that it is well cooked inside.
  • Then, take the panettone out of the oven, pierce it underneath with a skewer and hang it upside down while it cools. This step is very important so that it does not get off. Before unmolding, they must cool completely.
  • Finally, once cold you can proceed to serve them accompanied by a drink of the season.

Data of interest

  • Keep in mind that making the panettone will take you about two days, so take your time.
  • In case you can’t get the freeze-dried yeast, you can replace it with 6 grams of fresh yeast.
  • You can replace the candied orange with raisins soaked in rum or with dried fruits.
  • It is essential that the preferment works slowly, for this reason little yeast is added and it is given a whole night to rest.
  • Keep in mind that to achieve the proper texture of the second dough, you will have to knead for a long time, it is recommended for fatty and very sweet doughs to use a food processor better.
  • Depending on the amount of ingredients that you use in addition to the candied oranges, you can have a lot of batter, so it is always good that you have more than one mold for panettone.
  • During fermentation in the pan, the dough should quadruple in size.

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