Plants For Bronchitis

Before knowing the natural remedies to treat bronchitis, we will explain what it is. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the main airways. It causes coughing and other respiratory problems.

Acute bronchitis can be caused by a viral infection or a cold, while chronic bronchitis occurs mostly in smokers or in people with long-term lung diseases, such as emphysema. In both cases, bronchitis produces a cough that can form scar tissue in the lungs and prevent proper breathing.

The first thing we will take into account, in the event of any complication, is to visit our doctor. They will assess the problem and tell us what to do. For our part, we must know that there are some plants that could help us treat bronchitis (in a complementary way) and reduce its symptoms. Let’s get to know them.


It has an anti-inflammatory action that could be helpful with some types of bronchial irritation and bronchitis. Also, ginger could be a remedy for allergic reactions and inflammation.

On the other hand, ginger seems to activate macrophages. They are the type of white blood cells that trigger an immune system reaction. However, these claims have yet to be endorsed by scientific bodies and further complementary studies with data.

In the same way, it has been shown that it has an important hepatoprotective capacity.

Ginger as a home remedy

And not only in case of bronchitis, eucalyptus can help in the recovery of sinusitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Echinacea as a preventive measure

You can take echinacea to  prevent colds that lead to bronchitis. It also helps fight infection by stimulating the immune system. It is recommended to take echinacea three times a day and not for more than two weeks.

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