Postpartum In Summer, How To Wear It?

Postpartum in summer can have several advantages, as it is a good time to relax and enjoy the baby’s arrival with the family. However, some precautions must be taken. What should you know?

Postpartum in summer is a situation that makes many women uncomfortable during pregnancy. The concern about how to cope with the heat and recovery at this time assails all those who give birth during the summer months.

However, postpartum in summer has many more advantages than, a priori , most imagine. Here are some tips to deal with it in the best possible way. You will see that it is not as difficult or as bad as you imagine.

What are the advantages of postpartum in summer?

We all know that summer is vacation time for most people. Almost all workers usually have a short break and children and young people do not have to go to school or institute. Think about it: your whole family and friends will have more time to help you and enjoy the baby.

In addition, good weather helps to get out of the house, either for a walk or to relax. You can choose the coolest times of the day to go out with your baby. At this time, people’s stress is reduced and enjoying the tranquility becomes more affordable.

Mom in postpartum in summer

What tips should you follow for postpartum in summer?

So that there are no inconveniences during the postpartum period in summer, it is convenient to follow a series of recommendations that are key to well-being. We will mention them in detail below.

Take care of the diet

The ideal for postpartum in summer is to eat light meals. Actually, eating a healthy diet should be essential for any time of the year. However, during pregnancy or postpartum, it is even more important. At this time, you are more at risk of dehydration or heat stroke.

It is recommended to eat five light meals a day. In addition, you have surely noticed that at this time the desire to eat fruit and vegetables increases. Pay attention to your body and base your meals around these foods. They will help you stay hydrated and also provide you with the vitamins you need.

It is also important that you drink enough water, around 1.5 and 2 liters a day. In the same way, you have to avoid sun exposure between 12 and 4 in the afternoon. Bringing cool clothes can help you protect yourself from those heat strokes.

Don’t be afraid of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding a baby is natural and physiological. You should have no problem doing it in public. However, if you feel embarrassed, try wearing shirts that are easy to lift. This way you will feel less exposed.

Also, it is normal for you to feel thirsty and sweat while doing it. Drink water while the baby suckles, and try to place a gauze pad under his head to absorb some of the sweat.

Natural breastfeeding.

Pay attention to hygiene

After delivery, you may notice some bloody vaginal discharge that can last up to a month. This flow is called lochia. They have a characteristic odor that, when combined with heat sweat, can be unpleasant.

However, as this study carried out by researchers from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico points out, lochia have an odor similar to that of menstrual flow, but a fetid odor could indicate that there is some type of infection, so that you have to be aware of it.

Also, if an incision was made to facilitate delivery, you should take care of the scar. It is best to do it with water and neutral soap. It is important to avoid humidity in the area, so that the scar does not soften.

On the other hand, in the postpartum in summer, the typical hot flashes and sweats can become more noticeable. It is believed that they are due to hormonal changes and breastfeeding, although, at the moment, as this article published in The New England Journal of Medicine19 points out more research is needed on this. However,  l showers as can help alleviate.

In fact, you should know that you can shower the day after delivery. What to avoid are baths. This is because the cervix takes some time to return to its original position, so water can enter through it and cause infections.

Try to postpone travel postpartum in the summer

It is not a serious problem to travel with a baby. However, it is recommended to wait at least two weeks after delivery to travel, as it can be uncomfortable for both mother and baby. Ideally, if you travel, go to a place that has good medical care.

Tips for the heat

Postpartum in summer is accompanied by a heat that, in some places, can be suffocating. There are certain measures that can help you cope. First, try to close the blinds and windows so that the heat does not enter the room.

If you have air conditioning or fans, you can use them. It is best to avoid direct targeting of the baby. Try to refrigerate the room an hour before going to sleep and avoid using them during sleep.

As we have said before, wearing comfortable and fresh clothing is essential. You also have to try to take the walks in the cooler hours of the day to avoid the heat.

In short, giving birth is a wonderful time and the postpartum in summer does not have to be a problem. Don’t worry and face the heat with these simple tips that are sure to come in handy.

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