Recipe For Baked Fish In Its Juice

Baked fish in its juice is a delicious recipe that you can prepare for any occasion. Since it combines organic and low-calorie ingredients, it is excellent to vary your dishes when you are doing some type of diet. Still don’t know how to do it?

Although there are many versions to make this exquisite preparation, this time we want to share a very simple one. However, we recommend paying attention to the quality of the ingredients and preparation time, as they are key to the final result.

Previous advice to choose a good fish

It is important to keep in mind that not all fish are suitable for all recipes. The varieties and forms of preparation usually vary depending on the gastronomy and production of each region.

Now, according to information published through the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
there are some recommendations for choosing a good fish. In the following space we detail them.

How to choose fish

Look at the fish eye

The freshness of the fish you are going to buy is decisive for your recipe. Not only does it guarantee an exquisite flavor, but it is key to taking care of the health of your guests. Therefore, keep the following in mind:

  • An old fish that has been on display for a long time will have dark eyes.
  • If the fish is fresh, you can see some clarity in its iris.
  • When the eyes have small black veins, the food is probably contaminated with parasites.

Touch the skin of the fish

You will be able to find species with and without scales; however, they all have a peculiarity that allows us to determine if they have been taken out of the water a long time ago. And is that the skin comes off and acquires a slimy texture when the fish begins to decompose.

Preserves the scales

In many establishments they give the option of removing the scales from the fish to facilitate its preparation. However, this is a mistake if the food is destined for the oven. When we keep the flakes we ensure that the preparation maintains its juices for longer.

Of course, once the fish is ready, the scales will be removed. For this, it is enough to lift the skin at one end of the tail, using a fine knife.

How to prepare baked fish in its juice

baked fish

To make a delicious baked fish in its juice, we recommend buying a white fish (hake, sole, grouper or fresh cod) or semi-fat (sea bass, trout, anchovies or sea bass). 

These varieties of fish are very healthy, as they concentrate important nutrients. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients fish provides protein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iodine, selenium and taurine. Therefore, its consumption could be beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

In this case we suggest using hake, but you can use the one you like best. Of course, do not forget the recommendations given above when buying it.


  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1/2 cup of chopped tomato (100 g).
  • ½ cup of chopped onion (100 g).
  • 3 hake fillets (450 g).
  • Salt, pepper and olive oil (to taste).
  • 1 tablespoon of coriander, parsley, thyme or rosemary (15 g).


  • To start, you should season the hake fillets with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Reserve so that the dressing is concentrated.
  • Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and cilantro.
  • Also, cut the tomatoes into small squares.
  • Turn the oven to 180º C and let it preheat.
  • Next, cut pieces of aluminum foil so that the steaks can be wrapped in them.
  • With the help of a kitchen brush, apply a little olive oil on the aluminum. Then layer with chopped onion, tomato, and cilantro. Salt pepper.
  • Top with a hake fillet and cover with another layer of onion, coriander and tomato. Add more salt and pepper if necessary, and drizzle a little oil.
  • Then, close the papers individually, folding the edges well to keep the juices inside.
  • Put the fish wraps in a baking dish, and let them cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • After the recommended time, check the doneness and serve.
  • You can accompany it with salad, white rice or cooked potatoes.

Do you dare to try this baked fish in its juices? Feel free to follow these simple steps to delight your palate and that of your family. Also, keep in mind that it is a healthy recipe that you can include on a regular basis in your eating plan. You’ll love it!

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