Recipes To Cleanse And Recover The Colon

To maintain a healthy colon and clean it naturally, it is very important that we include fiber in our diet, as it promotes digestion and facilitates the elimination of waste. We propose some natural tips to recover the colon. Give them a try!

Our current lifestyle can generate different health problems in the colon. If you are interested in cleaning and recovering the colon, do not miss this article.

The colon, also known as the large intestine, is the organ that is responsible for moving and eliminating all waste from the body.  Its function is vital so that other organs function properly and are not affected by the accumulation of toxins.

Some of the health problems of the colon can be: abdominal cramps, constipation, bloating, gas, difficulty in losing weight, even cancer.

Luckily, there are different natural recipes that allow us to do a correct colon cleansing that help to avoid all these problems.

Tips to cleanse the colon

Before going to the recipes, it is very important to take into account certain tips that will allow you to clean the colon well and keep it healthy.

1. Increase your fiber intake

To keep the colon clean and healthy, experts recommend eating at least 40 grams of fiber a day.

Among the foods rich in fiber we find: vegetables, seeds, beans, nuts, fruits and grains.

2. Choose your food carefully

How to recover the colon

It is very important to moderate the consumption of foods that can clog the colon, such as processed foods, sugar, white flour, alcohol, and caffeine.

Instead, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables: spinach, chard, Brussels sprouts, turnips, beets, carrots, pumpkin, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, figs, dates, pears …

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3. Drink lots of water

Water is very important, as it promotes the elimination of toxins and waste that obstruct the proper functioning of the colon. It is recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

4. Do physical activity

Exercising also plays a very important role in detoxifying the colon. You must exercise of any kind regularly.

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3 recipes to recover the colon

1. Aloe vera and lemon juice

Recipes to cleanse the colon

This recipe is very simple and effective. Its effects help us eliminate toxins from the body, promote weight loss and also work as an anticancer.


  • 2 aloe leaves
  • 5 lemons
  • 5 teaspoons of honey
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare it?

In a blender, you must mix the pulp of the aloe vera, chopped into small pieces, the juice of the lemons, the water and the honey. Blend for a few minutes and then pour it into a glass container to refrigerate and drink on an empty stomach.

2. Salad to cleanse the colon

This delicious salad is ideal to cleanse and recover the colon naturally. In addition, it can help you in your attempt to lose weight.


  • Red cabbage: 1 and ½ cups
  • Medium chopped onion: 1 unit
  • Garlic cloves, minced: 4 units
  • Celery stalk, grated or chopped: 1 unit
  • Medium carrots: 3 units
  • Unpeeled apples, julienned: 2 units
  • Julienne cut zucchini: ½ cup.
  • Cooked yellow summer squash: ½ cup
  • Turnip: ½ cup.
  • Herbs and seeds: Fennel seeds, 1 tablespoon of basil, 1 of oregano, 1 of minced fresh ginger, ¼ of rosemary leaves, ½ of thyme, 2 of savory, 2 of mint.
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Choice of hot sauce: 2 tablespoons

How to prepare it?

Put all the ingredients in a container and mix them well. Add the herbs and season to taste with lemon, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and hot sauce.

3. Strawberry, pineapple and parsley smoothie

Shakes to recover the colon

This delicious shake is ideal to deflate the colon and eliminate toxins that may prevent its proper functioning.

The properties of strawberry, pineapple and parsley make this shake a powerful diuretic rich in antioxidants.


  • 6 strawberries
  • 1 slice of natural pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley

How to prepare it?

Put all the ingredients in a blender and add a little water so that they are fully integrated. Beat a few minutes until ready and drink it preferably on an empty stomach.

When will you try these recipes to cleanse and recover the colon?

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