Secrets To Have A Happier And Fuller Life

Having a happier and fuller life is not always an easy task. There are usually external factors that make it impossible for one to feel good; problems that, unfortunately, are sometimes insurmountable.

However, each one depends, to a greater or lesser extent, on the attitude with which they face adversity. Individual strength, in the end, prevails.

What can you do to have a happier and fuller life?


If you are one of those people who worry excessively about wrinkles or avoid smiling so that they are not marked, you should know that these are less of a problem.

They will appear in the same way, it is a physical process from which no one escapes. However, if you smile, you can change your own self-perception and your mood improves,  as stated in this study by a team from the University of London.

This is one of the great secrets to have a happier life. Look closely at those people who always laugh.

You will see that they are beings full of peace and optimism. Adopt this lifestyle and take advantage. All you have to do is watch a funny movie to get a good laugh.

Stop to see the little things

Woman from behind with raised arms

Another of the secrets to have a happier and fuller life is learning to see the little things from day to day. Sometimes you are so preoccupied with the obligations of daily life that you miss the most important thing.

Take a break and stop to appreciate the little things . If you have a garden at home, dedicate yourself to your plants  or just play with your pet.

All of these situations may seem so common and unimportant that you don’t really value them. The secret is that these are the things that mark who you are, and the memories you will treasure in the future.

Break your limits

You must be clear that  There is no better way to have a happier and fuller life than by breaking the limits that you impose on yourself. . You may think that you are not capable of doing something and give up; however, a little effort will help you see that this is not the case.

Start small. Set yourself challenges that seem unimportant and you will see that little by little, you progress.

Is it hard for you to get up early? This week challenge yourself to get up half an hour earlier. Think that no proposal is unimportant; on the contrary: every little step you take will fill you with Energy .

Learn new things

Another of the secrets to have a happier and fuller life is to stimulate the brain. The best way is by learning something new every time you can, a fact that also prevents the appearance of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

It does not matter if the activity is to read a new book, attend a talk or play chess, any type of stimulation in the brain reduces the risk of cognitive deterioration, according to this report from the Spanish Neurology Society.

Don’t be tempted to believe that you are too old to learn something new. Age is simply a state of mind.

Stay away from negative news

You already know that it is impossible not to turn on the television and see some negative news. However, if you really want to have a happier and fuller life, you need to stop paying so much attention to them.

For mental health, it is better not to think so much about everything negative that happens. If there are things that affect you, try to find a way out for them. Go beyond the problem and solve it. If you can’t do it, let it go and move on.

Many people make life bitter thinking about everything they cannot change. Instead, focus on modifying what is within your power.

Take a daily walk

A secret to having a happier and fuller life is staying in touch with nature. Your body will do well to breathe fresh air and stretch your legs,  30 minutes a day outside is enough.

Think that, even if you don’t feel like it, getting a little vitamin D every day is more than recommended.

Surely if you search, you will find a hole in your busy schedule for a little outing. Take the opportunity to walk with your children in the park or to go out with your friends.

Organize your time

Maybe you’ve spent the day working and feel like you haven’t done anything. Getting organized is key to having a happier and fuller life.

You only need a notebook and a pencil. Make a list of all the pending activities and the dates by which they must be completed. Then create a realistic calendar to keep everything up to date.

You will see how in a couple of days you forget the procrastination will disappear and you will have met all your deadlines.

Don’t forget about your loved ones


The last of the secrets to have a happier and fuller career is spending time with your family and friends. They are important in your life and you should remind them whenever you can.

By organizing your time you will see that you have many free hours left and, what better way to share them with them?

Work and other obligations are not everything. You need to live with others, laugh, cry, scream, dance and talk with them.

Share your joys and your sorrows will be divided. You will notice that life becomes more bearable.

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