Simple And Natural Remedies To Protect Our Liver

The liver is a fundamental organ, learn how to take proper care of it to prevent the development of diseases.

The liver is the largest organ and one of the most important that we have. Its functions include transforming food into energy, eliminating toxins and helping the digestion process. In addition, it is also  one of the organs that are most affected by poor diet, negative emotions and bad habits.

As the professionals at MedlinePlus explain, there are many types of liver disease. There are diseases caused by viruses, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, as well as diseases caused by drugs, poisons or toxins, or by drinking too much alcohol. Examples include fatty liver disease and cirrhosis are another possibility, as is liver cancer. Finally, there are inherited diseases, such as hemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease.

All of them are serious, and in the event of any symptoms it is essential to go to a specialist and undergo proper treatment. Regardless, to be able to deal with them in a better way if one of them develops, and above all to prevent its appearance, it is possible to make use of some natural remedies.

Here we go over some simple, natural, and inexpensive remedies to keep you healthy.

Food and nutrition

What is not good for our liver

As the experts explain, food nourishes or damages our liver, and therefore this will be the first measure to keep it healthy. We will opt for an organic food, free of additives (colorants, flavorings, etc.) as natural as possible. In addition, we recommend avoiding:

  • Alcohol
  • Fried
  • Artificial, energy drinks, soft drinks
  • Abusing red meat
  • Precooked, ultra-processed, sweets and industrial pastries
  • Dairy abuse
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners

Keep in mind that medications can also affect our liver. It is advisable to always read the side effects of the leaflet carefully and strictly follow all the recommendations of the professional who has prescribed it.

What benefits our liver

On the other hand, the following foods will be very beneficial :

  • Fruits and vegetables, combine them, find different ways to cook them, there are thousands of options.
  • Apple and carrot juice are good alternatives to processed soft drinks. Fruit and vegetable smoothies can also be made.
  • Grapefruit
  • Blue Fish
  • Whole grains

In addition to consuming these foods daily, it is very important that we know that the liver regenerates during the early morning, and that therefore it is better to have a small dinner or do it early, so that at night you do not have to digest dinner yet.

As nutritional supplements, group B vitamins will be very beneficial to us.  These vitamins lower transaminases and tone the liver. We can consume foods that contain them, such as beer yeast, or take a natural supplement.

Contained emotions

The liver is not only affected by diet. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, anger and contained nerves can encourage it to be damaged. To avoid this, we must learn to manage our emotions and carry out activities that help us channel anger, such as sports or artistic activities. In addition, there is a homeopathic remedy that can help us when there is anger and anger contained: Chamomilla 15CH.

There is no scientific evidence to support this theory, although there are some slight studies that have tried to delve into it.

In any case, remember to always go to a specialist first. Taking care of the liver is essential to enjoy good health and to be able to lead a full life.

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