Sometimes, In Order To Move On, You Have To Start Over

Throughout our life cycle we have made countless decisions and some of them have forced us to have to start over.

There are circles that must be closed by personal necessity, by a clear principle of subsistence in which, only with courage and courage, we can be able to cut certain ties that only brought us suffering.

Starting once again almost from scratch is not easy at all. Therefore, today in our space we want to give you some basic strategies so that you can face these complex personal moments.

When starting over means leaving everything

Nobody likes changes and even less if they are drastic and mean leaving aside everything that defined us up to now. Now, sometimes, starting over implies other dimensions that are always related:

  • Undertake new paths in which we can find our happiness.
  • Starting from the beginning means taking control of our own life : each choice we make will lead to one result or another, but we will be the architects of our reality.
  • A new path must be lived with enthusiasm knowing how to appreciate the present, the “here and now”.

If we have ever experienced this situation, we will undoubtedly know the emotional complexity of facing something like this. Every change, every personal restart supposes, at the same time, going through these stages.

The moment when we are aware of the need to break up with something or someone

As we have pointed out at the beginning, any change of stage supposes an act of courage and personal courage that not everyone dares to initiate. There are many people who chronify these states of suffering:

  • They wait for things to change.
  • They fear that starting over will be a failure and, above all, that they will be left alone. They do not trust themselves as active agents of change capable of facing this new stage.
  • Other people see themselves as very dependent on their surroundings, they cannot conceive of leaving that situation which, despite bringing them unhappiness, is the only thing they know and for that reason they do not dare to take the step.

That moment in which we are fully aware of the need to start over is already an act of freedom to be proud of.

Only those who know they deserve to be happy are brave to find their own path, leaving aside what is not healthy, what prevents us from growing.

Breaking with the past wisely

Can you break with the past without anesthesia and without pain? The answer is no”. All change involves a certain suffering, a certain inner rupture with a past in which, until not long ago, we had focused dreams, illusions and projects.

  • To move forward in calm and freedom it is necessary to do so without resentment or hatred. We are aware that forgiveness is not always easy to grant but, in many cases, it is necessary to be able to free ourselves from everything, without burdens.
  • If we limit ourselves to being bitter about everything we have experienced, thinking that we were naive to trust something or someone, the only thing we will do is burden our present with suffering.
  • You have to start the change without hating anyone, least of all yourself. All hatred, all resentment will make us prisoners and it is something that is not worth it.

Project our future with new illusions

Project our future with new illusions

We have to be clear about it, throughout our lives we are going to experience more than one change. Some of them will be milder or will not require as much effort, such as making new friends, looking for another job or changing our diet.

However, there are times when we really need to start over. It may be that our relationship has not gone well or that we need to change city, residence and work.

We will not be the first person to go through it, nor will we be the last.

  • To start over, the previous cycle must be properly closed. It is not about running away or escaping. It is necessary to communicate our decision and the reasons why we are going to do it.
  • There is no need to fear the reactions of others. If you prefer, we can anticipate what they can tell us to prepare our speech and our responses. However, as long as we are sure of our decision, the words of others do not matter. Our destiny is already decided, let’s start over.

Be brave and pursue what you long for by starting over

To conclude, we must understand that life is not a straight line without unforeseen events. Sometimes changes are necessary to be happy, to be in balance with ourselves

Each one is an active agent in his destiny and every decision counts. Therefore, decisions must be faced with self-love, determination and illusions.

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