Super Antioxidant Purple Smoothie With Blueberries, Acai And Chia

To take advantage of all its benefits, we will consume this super antioxidant smoothie on an empty stomach and freshly prepared. It will help us fight the action of free radicals and improve sight and memory

Did you know that the color of food helps us know what its main health benefits are? Those that are purple or violet stand out for their super antioxidant power. This is the case, for example, of blueberries, açai or chia seeds.

In this article, you will discover why we have selected these three purple foods to make a delicious super antioxidant shake to fight free radicals and prevent aging. 

The properties according to the colors

The properties according to the colors

Knowing the benefits that foods provide us according to their color can be very useful to follow a balanced diet focused on improving certain health disorders that we may have. Therefore, below we summarize the properties according to the color:

  • White: They improve the health of the respiratory and immune system. This is the case of garlic, onion, mushroom, turnip, etc.
  • Yellow and orange: Very beneficial for the skin, eyes and heart, as well as being antioxidants. Among these we find carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, etc.
  • Red: The ingredients in this color improve circulation and the entire cardiovascular system and are aphrodisiacs. Some of the foods with these properties are tomato, cayenne, strawberry, etc.
  • Green: This color helps us protect the liver and regulate cholesterol, and it is also an antioxidant. We can take advantage of all green leafy vegetables.
  • Purple: As we said at the beginning, in addition to having super antioxidant properties, foods of this tone also help us improve our eyesight, urinary tract, memory and circulation. To achieve these benefits we can take aubergine, plums, figs, blackberries, etc.
  • Black: Black foods are energetic and uplifting. You can check it if you consume coffee, cocoa, olives, black garlic, etc.

    Three purple foods

    The Cranberries

    Super antioxidant smoothie with blueberries

    These delicious berries are a super antioxidant food thanks to their anthocyanin content, which are the pigments that give them their purple color. In addition, they are very low in sugars, so we do not have to worry about their caloric content.

    Blueberries are also an excellent remedy for any urinary tract disorder and kidney stones. In addition, they are beneficial for the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

    Its antioxidant power is also very useful for treating eye problems related to aging and the action of free radicals. For example, glaucoma, retinal detachment, night blindness, cataracts, etc.

    The açai

    Açai is also deep purple in color, but much less well known. However, it is one of the fruits with the most antioxidant power, also rich in anthocyanins and vitamins A, B and C.

    The açai is the fruit of a palm tree that grows only wild, in the jungle in the north of Brazil. Although for centuries it has been a highly valued food among indigenous people, its incredible properties have made it a superfood in recent years.

    It is also a good source of vegetable protein. In addition, along with its antioxidant value, these are the two properties that make it an essential ingredient for athletes who take care of their diet.



    Chia seeds stand out for their content in:

    • Vegetal protein.
    • Antioxidants
    • Soluble fiber.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Minerals (calcium, iron, potassium).

    Many people already consume them daily, on an empty stomach, to regulate intestinal transit. Its regulatory effects are immediate and amazing.

    It is only important to note that, to take advantage of all its benefits, we must soak them overnight and beat them or chew them well to assimilate their nutrients. And with a handful each day it will be more than enough.

    Prepare your super antioxidant shake

    With the amounts indicated below, you can prepare two servings.


    • ½ cup of fresh blueberries (75 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of açai powder (15 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (10 g)
    • 1 cup of water or unsweetened juice (pineapple, apple, grape) (250 ml)


    • The night before we will soak the chia seeds with the chosen water or juice, in a covered glass.
    • In the morning we will mix the mixture of the seeds with the drink, together with the blueberries and açai.
    • If we wish, we can sweeten the drink with a little honey or stevia. If we have used the juice, it will surely be sweet.
    • We will take this shake just after preparing it, preferably on an empty stomach, separated from food.

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