The 8 Benefits Of Whey Protein

The contribution of vitamins and minerals from whey protein could be an ally when it comes to optimizing fat burning. Its amino acids promote muscle growth

The whey protein is a nutritional supplement that has become very popular worldwide. It is the liquid that is extracted during cheese production and constitutes 20% of the proteins present in milk.

In fact, it is valued for its high nutritional quality. Provides  a significant amount of essential amino acids that improve health. It is also an important source of vitamins C, E and D, minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

However, it is a food not suitable for lactose intolerant people, since its intake could cause unfavorable reactions in digestion.

Now, putting this detail aside, it is an ideal ingredient to improve the effects of the diet. Especially when the plan is to lose weight and increase muscle mass.

Do you know its benefits? Discover the 8 main ones.

1. Promotes muscle growth

Transform fat into muscle

Whey protein is one of the foods that can help promote muscle growth. Especially when it is accompanied with the daily practice of strength training.

In addition, it provides nine essential amino acids and minerals that, when assimilated, help rebuild muscle fibers to increase their volume and strength.

Among other things, it is worth mentioning that:

  • Increases the release of anabolic hormones to stimulate muscle growth.
  • It contains leucine, an amino acid that improves protein synthesis in muscles.
  • It is easily absorbed in the body, surpassing other sources of amino acids.

2. Helps fight overweight

While its high biological value proteins help increase the body’s lean mass, its vitamins and minerals may enhance processes that help you burn fat more easily.

  • All these essential nutrients reactivate the basal metabolism. Thus, they optimize energy expenditure from carbohydrate, fat and sugar sources.
  • On the other hand, it  is a food that prolongs the feeling of satiety, which helps control excessive calorie intake.

3. Control blood pressure

Lowers blood pressure

In this way, patients with high blood pressure can benefit their health by including this food supplement in their dietary plans.

  • Its benefits against this condition are attributed to peptides known as “angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.” These  promote the pumping of blood from the heart to other parts of the body.

4. Strengthens the immune system

This supplement contains an essential amino acid called cysteine, used in the body to produce glutathione.

  • In this way, the substance helps reduce the negative effects of oxidative stress. In turn, it strengthens the defenses of the immune system to prevent inflammatory and infectious conditions.

5. Take care of the intestinal flora

Due to its nutritional composition, whey protein has been classified as a natural prebiotic. It is ideal for promoting the regeneration of the bacterial flora that protects the intestines.

  • The absorption of its amino acids and vitamins stimulates the activity of healthy bacteria. Thus, it creates a barrier against microorganisms that attack the system.

6. Reduces muscle and joint pain

Although inflammatory compounds have been found in whole dairy products, whey protein is a food that could have the opposite effect when it is synthesized in the body.

  • Its amino acids and minerals are muscle restorative that relieve inflammation and pain. It will help you especially after doing high-impact physical activities.
  • In addition, it has the ability to fight cellular inflammation, which is key to avoiding joint ailments.

7. Protects against osteoporosis

Due to its low sodium content and significant contribution of calcium and vitamin D, whey is a good supplement to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

  • These nutrients help maintain bone density in good condition, preventing premature wear and tear and fractures.

8. Improves wound healing

Incorporating this food in the regular diet can promote the healing process of wounds, whether due to recent trauma, burns or surgical procedures.

  • Its proteins of high biological value help to regenerate tissues and support the healing process.
  • It even promotes the natural growth of the skin, stimulating the activity of its cells.

To keep in mind!

  • Despite its benefits, whey protein should be consumed in moderation. In fact,  excesses could lead to stomach upset, headaches, and nausea.
  • Since its flavor is not the most pleasant, it can be added to smoothies and natural juices.
  • It can also be purchased in commercial supplements to enhance the effects of training.

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