The Benefits Of Sport On Anxiety And Panic

Did you know that the influence of sport on anxiety and panic could be very beneficial? Nowadays, these problems are something quite common due to the world in which we live.

The hyperkinetic rhythm and inordinate desire for success that is imposed on us leads to the only possibility to sustain it is to involve ourselves in an anxiety syndrome that is dangerous. For this reason, we must look for healthy buffering factors.

Let’s go deeper.

Benefits of sport in anxiety and panic

The regular practice of physical exercise contributes to the improvement of the mood and the increase of the sensation of well-being. Therefore, it  is recommended that anxious people engage in physical activities.

This study carried out by Dr. Canan on the relationship between physical exercise and anxiety concludes that the specific practice of sport can reduce the level of state anxiety, that is, the anxiety reaction experienced in a specific and limited situation.

Likewise, this research carried out by a team from the University of Oslo  indicates that the regular practice of exercise can reduce the levels of general anxiety linked to biological and personality factors, typical of people predisposed to be more anxious, impressionable, with a tendency to overestimate risks and maintain a high level of alertness.

Regarding the panic attacks, m Many people with this disorder are afraid of the physical symptoms that accompany an attack and are hyper-vigilant about any small variations in their heart rate, sweating, breathing, etc.

Running woman

Biological benefits of sport in anxiety and panic

We already know that physical exercise improves the regulation of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, affecting the autonomic nervous system, as suggested by this research from the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador) . This improvement can increase the organism’s ability to modulate the reaction to the demands of the environment.

On the other hand, this study carried out by the University of Costa Rica shows that  the practice of sports promotes in the long term an increase in the levels of serotonin (the neurotransmitter of well-being), which is involved in the body’s response to stress. Increasing serotonin levels in the brain can help improve mood and reduce anxiety.

In addition, physical activity contributes to the stimulation of the pituitary gland that acts in the production of endorphins. These internal morphines They are hormones linked to neurotransmission functions, involved in the regulation of pain and the sensation of well-being.

Psychological benefits of sport in anxiety and panic

As far as psychological mechanisms are concerned, it is observed that regular physical exercise improves mood. In addition, it could be beneficial in patients suffering from insomnia, according to this study carried out by a team from the University of São Paulo (Brazil).

Its practice increases the feeling of strength, security and control over oneself and the environment. In this sense, it contributes to a better perception of the feeling of self-efficacy.

The weekly practice of a sport can optimize the self-esteem, since the changes in the body contribute to improve the corporal image and promote feelings of greater control in abilities and physical capacity. It is important to choose physical activities that are pleasant and enjoyable, so that they are practiced regularly. 

The prescription of physical activity in patients with panic disorders has several edges of benefits. Not only because of traditional virtues, but because so commonly self-marginalized panic patients are strategically “ obliges ” to leave their home and sports are suggested as a method of socializing with other people, either in open spaces or in gyms.

The idea is that the patient mobilizes his social part and comes out of his seclusion, activates his endorphins and can contact his body in a positive way.

Warm up before playing sports

Connect with ourselves through exercise

The person should take the time to exercise. It is not a question of giving a secondary role to the activity but of giving it a status of importance, which does not happen often.

Many walk to work because it is close by; others are just going to shop for the same thing and, in the end, they aren’t really exercising.

It is not that it is a wrong activity, but it is about making a place in life for that sports break: It is a moment that I dedicate for myself must be  the premise.

It is important to connect with the earth,  music in headphones or the sound of nature: all tantalizing images of that space.

Talking about sports is speaking the language of the body, so used in anxiety and panic. This practice makes it possible to advance and develop multiple personal resources,  improving aesthetics, health, self-worth, and basically making us live a calmer life, more connected with ourselves, detecting what is good for us.

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