The Health Benefits Of Eggplant

Eggplant is a delicious and healthy food. Among the many benefits of eggplant, its detoxifying power stands out, that is, it favors the elimination of undesirable substances from the body.

Another health benefit of eggplant is to help control blood pressure. In addition, it is a food that promotes digestion.

Read also Eggplants, your allies in weight loss

Eggplant properties

  • It is low in calories and almost fat free. A cup of eggplant contains just 38 calories. Therefore, it is suitable for slimming diets.
  • It is high in calcium, phosphorus and iron. For this reason, it is recommended for those who suffer from anemia or osteoporosis.
  • It is rich in flavonoids, pigments known to protect cells against harmful agents.
  • It is rich in antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and keep the heart healthy.
  • Contains terpenes that help lower cholesterol.
  • It reduces the level of glucose in the blood, which favors diabetics.
  • It produces slightly diuretic effects due to its high potassium content.

Also read: How to make aubergine chips and other vegetables


How to take advantage of the benefits of eggplant

One of the great advantages of eggplant is that it is very versatile and can be added to the diet in many ways. In fact, it goes very well in the oven, sauteed or roasted. It can even be eaten raw.

In the next space we offer you a simple recipe for you to include this food in your diet. Of course, you can take advantage of it in many other preparations.

Oriental aubergine pate recipe

Here’s a different way to reap the benefits of eggplant. It is a simple preparation and the results are fantastic.

This aubergine pate is healthy and tasty. It is known by the name of “Mutabal” or “Baba Ghanoush” and it is an exquisite traditional cream from the Middle East.


  • Eggplants – 2 large units
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon – 2 tablespoons of juice
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Ground cumin – ½ teaspoon
  • Tahini – 60 grams
  • Natural Yogurt – 4 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste

Read also Cleansing salad with tahini dressing

Preparation method:

  1. Cut the aubergines into two halves, lengthwise.
  2. With the help of a very sharp knife, make a few cuts in the pulp of the aubergine without piercing the skin.
  3. Place the aubergines skin side up in a previously oiled roasting pan.
  4. Then, cook them for half an hour in the oven preheated to a temperature of 200 ° C.
  5. After that time, remove them from the oven and let it rest until cold.
  6. Then remove the skin and seeds.
  7. Then, place the eggplant pulp in the mixer or food processor.
  8. Add the olive oil, tahini, garlic, lemon juice and ground cumin, and salt to taste.
  9. Finally, mix and crush everything until you get a very homogeneous cream.
  10. If you prefer a paté with a lighter and smoother texture, you can add yogurt.

Eggplant pate

This pate is usually presented in small pots, as a starter or accompaniment, to spread bread, cookies, toast and also small pieces of vegetables.

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