The Mind Is Like A Parachute: It Only Works If It Is Opened

Surely more than once you have had the curious feeling that you live surrounded by “square minds”, predictable and inflexible. Now, believe it or not, we all, in a way, have somewhat rigid thought patterns that we are not aware of, but the truth is that the mind can be like a parachute.

Fear, limiting attitudes and even being surrounded precisely by people with “square minds” causes that, in some moments, we end up adapting to those same patterns.

However, you should not worry, because our brains are perfect machines where a million connections are made, so nothing is impossible.

It is enough to change a thought to change reality. Therefore, today in our space we suggest you do the following: open your mind like a parachute. Be receptive, be intuitive, and allow yourself to enjoy your own freedom. Worth it.

Open your mind to open your heart

Believe it or not, it is not exactly easy to change many of these thought patterns. This often causes us to see ourselves in the same contexts despite being unhappy. For fear of being left alone, we remain with different people, even if they do not bring us positive things.

The healthy exercise of opening the mind is a practice that requires different processes that share the same origin: the will. The need to feel better and, above all, to have full control of our own life. We invite you to reflect on the following aspects.


Learn to listen, without judging, but attending to our emotions

The art of listening, of being receptive and attentive to everything that surrounds us is, without a doubt, an exceptional way of learning to open the mind.

  • To achieve this, value judgments must be put aside for a moment and relativized. To understand it, remember, for example, how exasperating it is sometimes to explain a certain aspect to someone “who refuses to listen”, to understand your point of view.
    • An open mind is able to connect with others to understand their position, to empathize. Now, understanding does not mean that we must agree on all aspects. It is just about “being open” to be able to learn.

    Listening without criticizing or quickly positioning yourself on an aspect is an art that is learned over time. Serve with an open mind and a calm heart : only then will you also connect with your own emotions in a relaxed way.


    Let’s take an example. You are talking to someone in your family who does not accept any of your behaviors. An open mind would act as follows:

    • He would attend in silence, understanding each of the arguments that that relative exposes to him.
    • He would also do it calmly, calmly. Because when you are sure of what you are, what you want and need, there is no going back and you know that no one can convince you otherwise . Therefore, it is not worth accumulating a grudge or starting arguments.
      • Respect, being close but at the same time defending one’s own values ​​and needs is part of the strong minds that defend themselves but that, above all, are respectful.

      Take advantage of the opportunities that appear in your environment

      An open mind can be synonymous with psychological fulfillment. This is basically due to the fact that aspects such as insecurities, personal fears and, above all, that fear of loneliness that often clings us to everyday and unhappy contexts have been reduced to the maximum.

      It is clear that we all like security, being involved in a series of habits that define us and that anchor us to a certain place and certain people. It’s the right thing to do, as long as we feel good.

      Now, the problem appears when what surrounds us “does not make us happy”, when we notice that our mind begins to lose agility or the sorrows exceed the moments of inner peace … All this ends up affecting our physical and psychological health.

      • One way to deal with this suffering is to awaken our senses, our intuition, open the parachute of our mind and try other scenarios, other people, other contexts.
      • Perhaps the solution is to change jobs, to change friends, to leave that city or to cut off that family bond that prevents us from being happy with the people we love.
      • Sometimes letting go is also the engine with which to free the mind to open it. Because we have all lived those moments throughout our life cycle in which we were surrounded by darkness, by suffocating routines.

      Something as brave as saying enough and taking the step to get out of your daily routine will allow you to find the engine you need, the one that will make you trust your instinct again. Dare yourself.

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