The Risks Of A Sedentary Lifestyle For The Heart

Various studies and many voices have warned about the risks of a sedentary lifestyle for the heart. Physical inactivity brings with it many consequences that sooner or later end up deteriorating health and quality of life.

The World Health Organization has pointed out on several occasions that inactivity is one of the main factors of premature death. It could not be otherwise, if the risks of a sedentary lifestyle are taken into account for the heart, which is a vital organ.

According to various studies, regular activities such as watching television or sitting for a long time are associated with coronary heart disease. The risks of sedentary lifestyle for the heart are many, since the health of this organ largely depends on physical exercise.

Currently, there is a global epidemic of physical inactivity. The figures speak of up to 84% of people who do not carry out this type of activity, in some countries. Despite the fact that much is said about the risks of a sedentary lifestyle for the heart, a lifestyle governed by inaction has been imposed.

What is sedentary lifestyle?

The risks of sedentary lifestyle for the heart

In general terms, sedentary lifestyle refers to the lack of daily physical activity. This includes performing activities that require very little energy expenditure. It is called physical activity to which it implies the contraction of the muscles  and the realization of efforts that generate energy expenditure.

In a more specific way, sedentary lifestyle has been defined as a condition in which a person performs activities that do not involve spending more than 10% of the energy that they would spend in a state of rest. The US Surgeon General has pointed out that there is a sedentary lifestyle when a person does not expend more than 150 kilocalories per day in physical activity. 

A simpler definition is the one that indicates that there is a sedentary lifestyle when physical activities are carried out for less than 20 minutes daily, with a frequency less than three times a week. The risks of sedentary lifestyle for the heart appear when this becomes a constant lifestyle.

Risks of sedentary lifestyle for the heart

Cardiovascular risk is the likelihood that a person will develop heart problems. This depends on two types of factors. The first are the so-called “non-modifiable factors”. These are age, gender, race, and family history. Control over these risk factors is limited.

The second type are “modifiable factors.” E hese allude to the individual circumstances may change, one way or another, and are closely related to lifestyle. It is then when the risks of sedentary lifestyle for the heart become important. An inactive life leads to the following problems, among others:

  • Increased cholesterol
  • Hypertension.
  • Metabolic syndrome.
  • Diabetes.
  • Overweight and obesity.
  • Anxiety and stress.

Real risks

Sedentary lifestyle and risk to the heart

The American Cancer Society has noted that sitting for more than six hours a day significantly increases the risk of dying early, by about 37%. Women are at higher risk than men.

Another study from the University of Carolina, conducted only with men and presented in 2010, found that those who spend more than 10 hours a week driving their car increase their risk of coronary heart disease by up to 64%.

Likewise, a study presented by the Revista Española de Cardiología indicates that the risks of sedentary lifestyle for the heart are manifested particularly by remaining seated for a long time, uninterruptedly. This position is more harmful than lying down, for example.

Suggestions and Recommendations

The best way to avoid the risks of sedentary lifestyle for the heart is, obviously, avoiding inactivity. The ideal is to include a daily routine of physical exercise, consistent with health and age. If you start from scratch, it is appropriate to gradually increase the intensity. It is always advisable to consult with the doctor.

Science suggests that habits are fixed when a behavior is repeated without interruption in a period of around 76 days. Once the habit is established, it is advisable to do 40 minutes of daily exercise, of medium intensity and with pauses to breathe. It is always convenient to warm up and finish little by little, not suddenly.

The most recommended activities are brisk walks, running, cycling, going up and down stairs, or the like. It is best to choose an activity that is enjoyable to stay motivated. Active breaks are also necessary, especially if a person works seated.

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