What Are The Best Legumes?

Regular consumption of legumes has many benefits for cardiovascular and nervous system health. We tell you which are the best and why you should consume them frequently.

Regular consumption of legumes has several benefits from a nutritional point of view. Due to its contribution of dietary fiber, protein and antioxidants, it is one of the most recommended foods to supplement the diet. Do you know the best legumes?

Although many do not consume them on a regular basis, each of their varieties has interesting properties that are worth taking advantage of. In addition, they are very versatile in the kitchen and can be included in dozens of preparations. Don’t stop trying them!

The best legumes to add to your diet


Lentils are a source of energy for the body thanks to their high content of complex carbohydrates. The assimilation of this macronutrient would favor the regulation of glucose in the blood and contribute to improving physical and mental productivity.

On the other hand, they are rich in fat-free proteins, unlike what happens with proteins of animal origin, and in fiber, a contribution that would help improve digestion. Furthermore, we can add that:

  • They contain B-complex vitamins, which help regulate brain and nervous system activity.
  • Its selenium and iron content would decrease the risk of anemia. It is worth noting that to promote the absorption of iron in this cereal, it could be accompanied with drinks containing vitamin C or with green vegetables and tomatoes.
  • In addition to the above, it should be noted that they are an important source of polyphenols, antioxidant substances that fight against oxidative damage and free radicals.


Soy stands out in the list of best legumes due to its contributions to health. It is a food that, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, provides carbohydrates, proteins and fats, mostly polyunsaturated. It is also a source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances.

  • Due to its content of phytoestrogens, it would be a recommended food for women entering the menopause stage. In fact, isoflovan would reduce symptoms in patients with less pause.
  • Their concentration of proteins of high biological value is significant and, in fact, they have been classified as “the replacement of meat”.
  • Also, it would be good for reducing high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Soy does not provide as much calcium as dairy does, but soy isoflavone, called genistein, appears to inhibit bone breakdown and may have estrogen-like effects on bone maintenance.

Broad beans

Best legumes

Fava beans are native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia, but are currently harvested around the world. They are characterized by their high water content, as well as being a source of complex carbohydrates and amino acids.

  • Due to their contribution of potassium and phosphorus, they would be allies to combat fluid retention and inflammation.
  • They contain vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and C) and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium, which would strengthen the immune system to prevent some diseases.
  • Its dietary fiber would also favor the elimination of excess cholesterol, benefiting liver and cardiovascular health.


Also known as “beans” in some regions, they are one of the oldest foods for which there is information. It is said that they began to be cultivated in 7000 BC in Mexico. However, today they are available almost anywhere in the world.

  • At the nutritional level, they are distinguished by being a source of fiber and vitamins and minerals that would contribute to improving digestive and cardiovascular health.
  • They contain an interesting dose of folic acid.
  • They would be allies to combat excess weight, since they provide few calories and help to have an optimal energy expenditure. 

Garbanzo beans

There are many reasons to highlight chickpeas among the best legumes for your diet. Not only is it a versatile food, but it represents a significant source of essential nutrients for the body.

  • Its content of fatty acids would benefit cardiovascular health, since it would favor the regulation of high cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • It provides a significant amount of fiber, which would improve intestinal motility.
  • They would strengthen the immune system, since they contain vitamins of the B complex, vitamin C and E, calcium, zinc and magnesium.

Green peas

Peas are undoubtedly one of the best legumes. Its regular consumption provides important nutrients to the body and supports the prevention of some diseases. The ideal is to consume them slightly boiled, since too cooked they lose many of their properties.

  • Its high fiber content would help control high levels of sugar and cholesterol. Therefore, they are usually recommended for the diet of any patient with cardiovascular diseases.
  • They would fight weakness and morning fatigue thanks to its richness of vitamins and trace elements.

    Still not trying the best legumes? Now that you know what they are, don’t stop preparing them more often in your kitchen. Remember that they are perfect for making soups, stews, salads and many other recipes.

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