What Variety Of Lettuce To Choose And How To Grow It

There are numerous types of lettuce that you can also grow in your garden. They come in different sizes, shapes and flavors. Are you wondering which variety of lettuce to choose? In this article we explain what are the available options and how you can grow it.

What variety of lettuce to choose?

There are many properties of lettuce. However, in addition to being beneficial, it is also delicious, nutritious, and low in calories. In fact, it contains almost 95% water and only 15 calories per 100 grams.

In relation to its nutrients, it is rich in vitamins such as A and C, and also in folic acid. It also provides minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. Among its benefits, we can highlight:

  • It helps to sleep
  • It has analgesic and soothing properties.
  • In addition, it stimulates the digestive glands
  • It exerts a mild laxative activity due to its fiber content
  • Its consumption by diabetics is advisable.
  • On the other hand, as it is rich in beta-carotene, it  contributes to the prevention of certain types of cancer. 

    There are more than 200 varieties of lettuce. Among them, the best known are:

    • Iceberg lettuce
    • Romaine lettuce
    • The buds of Tudela
    • Wonder lettuce

    On the other hand, it is not a difficult vegetable to grow. Indeed, depending on the variety, it can be sown at any time of the year and harvested after about three or four months. In addition, it is hardly affected by pests.

    However, you have to be careful with slugs and snails, fungi, aphids and birds. Here are three very popular varieties that you can plant perfectly in your garden.

    Iceberg lettuce

    Variety of lettuce

    We propose the iceberg lettuce variety because it can be sown at any time of the year. In addition, in just about three months you will be able to enjoy it in your salads. It is characterized by its round shape, very similar to cabbage. On the other hand, its leaves are crunchy in texture, which is why it is the star of salads.

    Romaine lettuce

    It is one of the most widespread varieties of lettuce, probably because it is easy to grow and holds up well. Its leaves are elongated, with a thick and characteristic central vein. It is also one of the most common in Spain. On the other hand, it can be sown at any time of the year and requires little care. Especially in winter, it is important to protect it from frost.

    Mini romaine or buds

    Since they are very similar to the Roman ones but of a much smaller size, they are known as “mini Roman”. However, they have other names such as Tudela buds or Roman buds.

    This mini version has a much sweeter taste than the roman one. Likewise, its leaves have a thick central vein, its leaves are curly and it is quite compact.

    Although if it is not very hot in summer it can be sown throughout the year, it is better to do it from January to April to collect in the summer, or from August to November to collect in the winter.

    Wonder lettuce


    Its main characteristic is the reddish color it acquires. In addition, its leaves are usually quite curly, so in some places it is known as “curly lettuce”. On the other hand, it is one of the most appreciated in gastronomy.

    As for its cultivation, we must bear in mind that it does not endure much cold. In fact, its name seems to come from “summer wonder”, and many know it as “summer lettuce”. If we plant it every twenty days, we will be able to harvest it throughout the year, when its bud is closed and compact.

    Recommendations for sowing and growing lettuce

    • It can be grown in a seedbed, but also in direct sowing.
    • It is advisable to leave a distance between the plants of about 20 or 30 cm.
    • On the other hand, if you want to have a harvest throughout the year, you can make a staggered planting.
    • Regarding irrigation, it is a moderately demanding vegetable, especially when the bud begins to form.
    • Being a vegetable, a soil with enough nutrients is recommended.

    You have already seen how easy it is to grow and collect this plant. Also, if you do it periodically, you can enjoy fresh and tasty in your salads throughout the year. Thus, in addition, you will be taking advantage of all the health benefits of this well-known and healthy plant.

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