Wrinkles: Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

Wrinkles are part of the skin’s natural aging process. It is influenced by different extrinsic or intrinsic factors, and occurs slowly, progressively and irreversibly.

Although genetics is what determines the texture and structure of the skin, sun exposure is the main cause of the presence of wrinkles, especially in the areas that are exposed. What are your symptoms? What treatments are available? We will detail it below.

Symptoms of wrinkles

Wrinkles are the first sign of physiological aging; are folds on the surface of the skin, which are generated by the alteration of the components of the skin layers.

As time passes, the amount of collagen and elastin fibers decreases. Consequently, the skin loses tone and elasticity, becoming rough due to lack of hydration and firmness.

Symptoms of wrinkles

Causes of wrinkles

Wrinkles are directly linked to skin aging. They are generated by the sum of different avoidable or non-avoidable factors. In the following space we mention the most relevant ones.


Over time, the skin becomes more fragile, loses elasticity, tone and feels rougher, due to the dehydration it suffers from.

There is a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, both in the superficial layers of the skin and in the adipose tissue found in the deepest layer (hypodermis).

Tobacco and alcohol

Both influence premature aging; in fact, they are the second most prevalent cause of wrinkles. There are studies published in the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeon , carried out in smoking and non-smoking twins, where the effect of these habits on skin health is evidenced.

Both factors intervene in the oxygenation of the cells of the epidermis, and the skin becomes paler, close to a grayish yellow. Tobacco decreases vitamin A values, which causes alterations in the quality and quantity of elastin and collagen. The skin looks dehydrated, brittle and rough.

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Solar exposition

Exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun or excessive use of tanning beds causes an acceleration of the skin aging process by damaging the connective tissue.

Studies published in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology affirm that sun exposure would be responsible for 80% of facial signs of old age.

The use of sunscreen with a protection factor greater than or equal to 50 is recommended, even on cloudy days or when staying in the shade. In the case of prolonged sun exposures, the protection must be renewed every 2 hours.

Excessive gesturing

The repetitive movement of the facial muscles generates a process of slow deterioration of the skin. Winking the eye, frowning or raising the eyebrows are gestures that everyone makes unconsciously and repeatedly. However, in the long term, they cause wrinkles in the upper third of the face.

What treatments are there for wrinkles?

Currently there are several treatments in the area of ​​cosmetic surgery and medicine that help counteract the presence of wrinkles. However, as detailed by the American Association of the Academy of Dermatology , these must be applied by certified dermatologists. The most requested are those discussed below.

Botulinum toxin

Correcting wrinkles with the application of botulinum toxin is the treatment of first choice due to its safety and efficacy. After a week of the session, the muscle in which it is injected is relaxed and does not generate contraction.

Hence, the wrinkle is prevented from developing. It even reduces and eliminates the folds in the area without the need for any cosmetic surgery.

Hyaluronic acid

Cross-linked hyaluronic acid filling is indicated for those wrinkles that are marked yet without gesticulating, that is to say, the so-called “static wrinkles”. It has a volume and filling effect; it also acts as a moisturizer. 

It is ideal for reducing wrinkles in the nasolabial fold. The most interesting thing is that its results are maintained for at least a year. As it is a substance that is found in the body naturally, it is only contraindicated in pregnant women, active autoimmune diseases and lactation.

Hyaluronic acid

Also read: What is the Soft Lift?

Laser plasma

The laser plasma modifies the structure of the skin on which it works and causes a direct contraction. Superficial pinpoint microlesions are generated, which do not cause bruising or bleeding.

It is used mainly for perioral wrinkles (chin, barcode) and periorbital wrinkles (crow’s feet). At this time, it is the best non-surgical treatment to rejuvenate the look.

Chemical peel

It manages to unify the texture and tone of the skin. It also helps to reduce wrinkles and reduce the degree of blemishes and pores. It is based on the application of a substance on the skin that manages to eliminate the most superficial layers.

The deeper and more intense the peeling , the greater the renewal of the skin and, therefore, the more visible the effect. It is recommended to do it in winter times, complementing the treatment with the use of solar photoprotection.

Plastic surgery

Unlike the aforementioned, this option requires a pre-surgery, anesthesia and a postoperative period. It consists of the rearrangement of the tissues to combat flaccidity effectively.

The importance of prevention

Although today there are several treatment options for wrinkles, it is advisable to prevent them or delay their appearance. The main measure is through the constant use of sunscreen; In addition to this, it is essential to implement healthy habits and get used to a daily cosmetic routine.

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